Code of Conduct: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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This page describes the Green Campus Code of Conduct.
This page describes the Green Campus Code of Conduct.

=== Preamble ===
Green Campus is a vibrant community dedicated to promoting urban sustainability, biodiversity, and climate resilience within the TU Graz campus. As stewards of this unique initiative, we recognize our special responsibility towards the environment, our fellow community members, and the broader society. This Code of Conduct is a solemn affirmation of our commitment to these values and our shared responsibility. All members of Green Campus, including participants and coordinators, shall uphold the principles outlined herein.
Green Campus is a vibrant community dedicated to promoting urban sustainability, biodiversity, and climate resilience within the TU Graz campus. As stewards of this unique initiative, we recognize our special responsibility towards the environment, our fellow community members, and the broader society. This Code of Conduct is a solemn affirmation of our commitment to these values and our shared responsibility. All members of Green Campus, including participants and coordinators, shall uphold the principles outlined herein.

Version vom 28. November 2023, 02:51 Uhr

This page describes the Green Campus Code of Conduct.


Green Campus is a vibrant community dedicated to promoting urban sustainability, biodiversity, and climate resilience within the TU Graz campus. As stewards of this unique initiative, we recognize our special responsibility towards the environment, our fellow community members, and the broader society. This Code of Conduct is a solemn affirmation of our commitment to these values and our shared responsibility. All members of Green Campus, including participants and coordinators, shall uphold the principles outlined herein.

Be Excellent to Each Other and the Environment

Green Campus is founded on principles of sustainability, ecological responsibility, and climate resilience. All members shall strive to incorporate these principles into their actions and decisions.

We shall actively engage in educational and awareness-building activities to promote sustainability within and beyond our community.

Members with expertise in sustainability shall serve as role models, guiding others in adopting eco-friendly practices.

Respectful Interactions

Green Campus values diversity and inclusivity. All interactions among members shall be marked by mutual respect, tolerance, and appreciation for differences.

Discriminatory or offensive behavior, harassment, and favoritism will not be tolerated within our community.

We commit to resolving conflicts in a respectful, objective, and constructive manner, guided by open communication and fairness.

Ethical Conduct

Members shall uphold ethical standards in all research, gardening, and educational activities, as well as in their relationships with fellow community members.

In cases of ethical concerns related to research or garden practices, members shall consult the Green Campus Ethics Committee for guidance.

Responsible Resource Usage

Green Campus provides access to resources, including garden beds, tools, and materials. Members shall use these resources responsibly and in accordance with the guidelines.

We commit to the proper maintenance of shared resources and facilities, reducing waste, and promoting eco-friendly practices.

Any private use of shared resources shall be minor and should not disrupt community activities or serve non-Green Campus purposes.

Environmental Stewardship

We recognize our role as environmental stewards and shall contribute to the preservation of the environment, energy conservation, and waste reduction.

Members shall follow guidelines for ecological sustainability, implementing practices that minimize our ecological footprint.

Data and Information Handling

Green Campus may handle classified, confidential, or sensitive data. Members shall adhere to all applicable legal provisions and guidelines when dealing with data and information.

We shall treat all data and information with care and sensitivity, even when not explicitly marked as confidential.

Conflict Resolution

Disputes or concerns within the Green Campus community shall be addressed through respectful and constructive dialogue.

Members are encouraged to report breaches of this CoC through appropriate channels while maintaining confidentiality.

Continuous Improvement

Green Campus is a dynamic initiative that adapts to changing circumstances and knowledge. Our CoC is open to revision and improvement as we learn and grow together.

We value feedback and suggestions from all members to enhance our community and its practices.